Burning sage is one of the oldest and purest methods of cleansing and blessing your surroundings. It is often used in routine house cleaning to keep the energy of home clear of negative smog. Sage is also used in ceremonies and rituals and is highly noted for its cleansing and protecting properties. While, Native Americans are credited as one of the first to burn sage for spiritual and medicinal purposes, Sage has become popular amongst people of other cultural and spiritual backgrounds as a useful tool in keeping energies clear and balanced in their homes and sacred spaces.
Lavender is associated with the heart chakra, and the air element, has been called by healers, “The Mother Plant” and “Grandmother Plant” due to her many uses and metaphysical qualities. The aroma of Lavender is soothing and calming.
White Sage Benefits:
- Increases Spiritual Awareness
- Great use for smudging rituals and home fragrance
- Helps to clear and cleanse sacred spaces
- Activates your Third Eye Chakra
- Increases positive energy and dispels negative

White Sage and Lavender smudge wand
How to Use:
Open a window to ensure the smoke from your sage does not overpower the space.
- Light the tip of your sage wand and let it burn for a few seconds as you hold it over a heatproof bowl or abalone shell.
- With the bowl in hand and your sage burning over it, move through the space spreading the smoke in all corners, across all doors, closets, and hallways. If you are smudging yourself or a person, allow the sage to rest in the abalone shell or heatproof bowl as it burns, and move the bowl both around the body as well as from head to toe.
Don’t forget to keep your intentions strong in your mind’s eye while smudging.
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