How to Meditate

The Idea That You Are Doing A Meditation can Be Quite The Obsticle - Eckhart Tolle

First off, if you have any preconceived notions or expectations about how to meditate properly, do yourself a favor and forget all of it. Yes, educate yourself on the many ways to meditate but please don’t overthink it.   Just Relax.  The more you meditate the easier it will be for you to hear and see the divine direction of your journey and meditation will soon become second nature for you. 

Honor yourself by being fluid in your practice and invite anything into your meditation session that resonates with your spirit. The information in this guide is intended to provide you with a solid understanding of how to get started with meditation. 

What Is Meditation

Meditation is the realization of your inner consciousness. Meditation is a practice where you intentionally quiet your mind and to listen to the vibrational energy of your body, mind, and soul to help you along life’s journey.


What To Do Before You Start Your Meditation Practice

Make sure that you ground before you start your meditation. Take whatever steps you need in order to get yourself into a “grounding” state.

How To Meditate

You can use the steps below as an introduction to meditation.

  1. Find a quiet spot to sit or lie down comfortably. Take as much time as you need to position yourself. Be sure to silence your electronics so  that you are not interrupted. 
  2. Set your timer for the amount of time that you want to meditate. Be sure to have a light bell calming tone sound to alert you when your practice is complete.
  3. Close your eyes and focus on doing a series of deep breaths in and out. As you inhale, be sure that your belly is expanding like a water ballon. As you exhale, be sure to release a long breath releasing as much air as you can.  Ask yourself how do you feel? Is your breathing slow and steady or rapid? 
  4. Deep breathe until you are calm enough to ground yourself. 
  5. Once grounded just breathe naturally. Take notice of the thoughts that come up for you. As you exhale, release any thought that no longer serves your greatest good. As you inhale, breathe in an thought or awareness that you would like to invite more of into your life.

If you find it hard to focus during meditation, bring your awareness to your breath and on how your body responds to each inhale and exhale.

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