What is The Purpose of Waist Beads

go within to find your inner magic

It’s a great idea to take some time with yourself to go deep within and identify why you want to wear waist beads before purchasing. You can select your waist beads based on color, fashion, intention, or many other things.

Below are some of the reasons why women wear waist beads.

What do Waist Beads Symbolize?

Waist Beads Are Used In Sacred Traditons Across Diverse Cultures

Traditionally, the art of wearing waist beads has been handed down between women of African culture for centuries. Waist beads can be used to symbolize a connection to family lineage. Selecting bead choices based on color, shape, size, and materials that represents your own family roots can help you feel safe, secure, and grounded. With each thought or memory of your loved ones, you ignite ancestral energies that give you the strength and power to push forward.

Waist beads are used as symbols of love and devotion in wedding ceremonies. Women adorn themselves with waist bead strands made with glass, wood, crystal, and many other unique beads that reflect happiness and wealth. In some traditions, Husbands hand select and place waist beads on their wives during a sacred and intimate ceremony on their wedding night.

Traditionally, waist beads have also been used in African rites of passage cultural ceremonies. When a girl first begins her menstrual cycle, or when she turns 16 years old, a group of her elders, mentors, and other female family members will gather in an intimate ceremony. The elder woman of the group bless and anoint waist beads before passing them down to the young woman, welcoming her into womanhood. This is a practice that is still used in modern times and many women have adapted their own versions of rites of passage ceremonies and waist beads for their daughters.

Womb Awareness and Waist Beads

A woman's waist is a sacred center of life force energy

Waist beads can be worn around your waist to activate your innate power. Waist beads move with your body.  Attuning yourself to the feeling of your unique and natural movement helps you tap into your inner awareness, unique rhythm, and personal power.

Waist beads can be worn around your waist to initiate physical and spiritual healing of the womb. In the book, Queen Afua explains that when you wear jewelry, it can be for both beauty and divinity purposes. She teaches women how to energize their wombs in a way that can create a beautiful frame of mind. Afua, Queen and Helen O. Robinson. Sacred Woman. Ballantine Books, 2000.

waist beads by thevenusspot.com

Using Waist Beads To Manifest

Waist beads help you bring your intentions and desires into this now

waist beads to manifest - the venus spot

Creating an intentional practice that uses waist beads as a sacred tool helps awaken your natural fire and illuminates your path.

You can recite mantras, sacred chants, or meditate while holding our rubbing your hands around your waist beads. At times when you feel extreme stress or anxiety, using your waist beads in a meditative practice can help you to have a sense of calm and ease. Shifting your vibration is intentional.

How to Wear Waist Beads for Self Care

Waist beads improve your overall sense of balance and wellbeing.

In the busy lives of most women, a sense of self can get lost somewhere between pumping the gas and remembering to order food delivery. Life revolves around most women. Waist beads are a constant reminder to breathe.  The waist beads that we offer are DIY tie-on waist beads that are durable with triple lined strong nylon-based thread. They help you to be mindful of your movements, emotions, and many other things.  Waist beads, which are typically worn at all times — even while bathing or sleeping — help you to be more Intune with yourself.

Waist beads make you feel pretty at times when you need a confidence boost. As you go about your day-to-day activities and suddenly notice your waist beads in the mirror, perfectly accentuating your curves, you get an instant reminder of how beautiful your body is. Waist beads are a constant reminder of your own natural uniqueness and prowess.

Waist Beads And Body Awareness

How you feel about your body is important

Other people’s projections toward you about the way you look can cause emotional trauma that affects the way you view yourself. Feeling like you’re not good enough, not skinny enough, or not attractive, can slowly alter the way you feel about yourself and leave you with a negative sense about your body image. Adorning your body with waist beads helps you to reclaim back your innate power. Women wear waist beads for body awareness and to help build a unique sense of self pride and self-acceptance. You’ll learn to see your body from an awareness that is uniquely yours and everyone around you will follow suit.

The constant wearing of waist bead jewelry helps you to feel more connected to your body and accept it for what it is. Waist bead jewelry without clasps is meant to be always worn on your body. You can keep your waist beads on when in the shower, taking a bath, or swimming. Women of all shapes and sizes wear waist beads and enjoy the way the jewelry naturally accentuates. Waist beads make your feel pretty when you look at yourself in the mirror and see the beautiful glass beads jewelry dangling on you. Waist beads help your increase your self-confidence.

For women who are not in love with their bodies after childbirth, or for the sister who has struggled with gaining and losing weight most of her life… looking at your body in the mirror, adorned with sacred glass beads that hold special value, meaning, and intentional space for you, Awakens the goddess she woman in you. Once there, you can do anything.

May you be the highest YOU.

Geisha | Waist Beads

Waist Beads Help Awaken Your Feminine Energy

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